Born in Bangkok, 1961
Live and works in Bangkok, Thailand
Breast Stupa Topiary, 2561/2018
Steel sculpture
Noen Nom Sao or Thung Nom Sao is the name of an area where the flower fields are not close to the entrance of Jim Thompson Farm as this entire area features Pinaree Santhapitak’s exhibition. Pinaree Santhapitak is one of Thailand’s most important female contemporary artists creating international works.
Breast Stupa Topiary is the name of the artwork that Pinaree created for Jim Thompson Farm. This work clearly reflects the identity of the artist by bending the metal line to look like a breast or many stupas. By presenting the issue of women, the nature of motherhood or femininity It also creates a relationship with the sanctity of Buddhism. These steel frames are located in the middle of the flower field, ready to be climbed by various vines and peach varieties. Looking at it, it invites you to think that this work is part of nature or is like a symbol of the abundance that blooms to create beautiful things for the world, just like the role of motherhood giving birth to a child with the expectation that they will create good things.
Pinaree Santhapitak is a Thai female artist who has a very important role and influence on contemporary art. Her approach to her work is distinctly unique in her studies of femininity, motherhood or womanhood, working in various forms, including painting, sculpture or installation art. Her work has featured inThailand and abroad, such as Puchan Biannale in 2008, the 18th Sydney Biannale in 2012, Bangkok Art Biennale in 2022, etc.
The work of the harp is often abstract. Presented through various materials that are assembled into simple shapes to give the audience the opportunity to consider independently, such as breasts, cups, pots, pillows, mats, etc. The breast is a distinctive identity in the work of the harp as it is an important symbol that conveys the female body. At the same time, it is similar in shape to the stupa pagod, it is like a part of the body of Buddhism. It reflects the closeness of a person with the mental anchors. It also shows that the body is like a sacred thing. Vessels and other objects often reflect ways of life, stories, memories, making the audience feel that they are close to art through various possessions encountered in everyday life.