Natthida Palasak

Born in Sisaket, Thailand
Lives and works in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand

ยุพิน แอนด์ จอห์น (Yupin and John), 2564/2021
Installation: Embroidered pillows
Dimesion variable

The story of American soldiers in the Vietnam War, and a notable aspect of Thai history during that time, involves Thai women providing services known as “Hired Wives” to these soldiers. This was a way to offer companionship and comfort, alleviating the soldiers’ loneliness during the war.

Back then, the term “Hired Wife” might have been stigmatized in society, but passing a negative judgment on these women alone would be unjust, considering the circumstances. Hired wives fulfilled duties much like regular lovers or wives, albeit with a short-term commitment limited to the wartime period.

Artists drew inspiration from these songs, portraying the life of “Hired Wives” effectively. These women enjoyed a comfortable life when American soldiers were present, but faced hardships upon their departure. This narrative is intricately woven into the traditional Thai fabric, symbolized by embroidered stories on woven fabrics, reflecting a time when dreams were shared with loved ones, even if only temporarily.

Nutthida Palasak is an artist/designer from Isan, Sisaket. She wants to communicate the story of Isan to help people break away from the stereotype that anything related to Isan is not proud and cheap. She wants Isan culture to be strong and widely accepted by people. She tries to elevate and value things that people see as outdated and unfashionable about Isan to reflect their true value. She founded Found Isan and invited designers from all over the country to travel throughout Isan to find the best handicrafts to develop into products from Isan that can be shamelessly shown to the world. Currently, Foundisan travels throughout Isan to search for the best crafts of Isan to develop and add value to, including fabrics, furniture, home decorations, and everyday items. She continues to challenge new ideas to present a positive image of Isan to the world.