Atittayaporn Saenpo

Born in Roi Et Province, Thailand, 1999
Resides and works in Thailand

Khakis in the Khampom City, 2022
video arts , installation 3 pieces
1.Video length 9.46 minutes.
2.Bed from crash plane parts 200 x 60 x 50 cm
3.The record oscillating from the plane crashed parts 90 x 90 x 0.2 cm

It starts with observing mother’s agriculture in her current state, moving on in hopeful pursuit of what the state promotes. but meeting with disappointment and rapid change. Farming has changed from household consumption, to commercial farming, otherwise known as contract farming, during the so-called ‘green revolution’ of PM Field Marshal Sarit and the Cold War era.

Isan is an important area but the state has created a stereotype that this region’s population is stupid – it was used as a buffer state area and was a US military base during the Cold War. Agricultural policy at that time was based on top down principles, with the state promoting what the state thought was good, without any input from local villagers. These problems have been passed on to the present and can be seen from the social satirical songs of that era.

Song title: Adult Lee hit the meeting box, there was a part that was empty. He told the farmer to raise ducks and pigs, especially ducks. The reality is that the villagers are already raising original native breedaa. At that time, the state adopted the Khaki Campbell breed. The species came through an economic development plan. But the problem with the mother is to rely on Animal offspring, drugs and food from investors without power in the hope to rely on oneself.

These issues have persisted into the present. This can be observed in social critiques of the time, such as the satirical song Phuyai Lee Ti Klong Prachum (Village Headman Lee Beats the Meeting Drum), which includes a verse about orders for farmers to raise ducks and pigs—particularly ducks. In reality, farmers were already raising native breeds, but the state introduced the Khaki Campbell breed through economic development plans. The problem faced by the mother, however, lies in dependency—on livestock breeds, medicines, and feed controlled by large capitalists—leaving her powerless and unable to achieve self-reliance.

Atittayaporn Saenpo is an artist who works in experimental art using video art, video performance, installation art, and interactive art, etc. She often asks questions through things around her that have hidden meanings from the ordinary in the areas she is interested in, such as her home which is a rural village in Isan. She travels widely to see the problems, ways of life, and history that connect from the past to the present.